Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I caught up with Gerard last Friday. I am very impressed with his positiveness regarding his situation. A real down to earth engineer.....fully applying the FMEA process. He is an inspiration!

Gerard showed me three X-Rays last week. The first one show one his vertebrae crushed and the last one showed the titanium jack/bolt that replaced the section of backbone removed. The vertebrae above and below were pinned together using a "U" shaped bracket which was screwed into the vertebrae above and below the titanium jack. Looked like a solid joint. Gerard advised me that with time bone will grow over the titanium jack.
I joked saying to him he will never get past the airport X-scanners but he advised me that as it is non magnetic, they will never pick it up. Oh!
He is happy to have visitors but only a few at a time. He will be at the Austin a little while longer and then relocated to the Royal Talbot rehabilitation.

He is looking forward to coming back to work, and we are looking forward to see him back.....I want to continue talking turkey where we left off...... regarding researching building electric cars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gerard,
Hope you get to see this. All the best for a speedy recovery.


Jeff S